Family Self-Sufficiency

The FSS program Empowers participants to reach their goals by one-on-one support, resources and by providing a savings/escrow account!

What is the Family Self-Sufficiency Program?

The FSS program is a 5 year voluntary program that is available to qualifying households who are currently participating in the Housing Authority of Yamhill County's Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.

How does FSS work?

The FSS program provides one-on-one support and assistance to participants for up to five years. The head of the household enters into a participant agreement with HAYC. A goal plan is developed by participants with assistance from FSS Coordinators, this plan outlines activities and services to achieve self-sufficiency.

HAYC’s FSS Coordinators help the participant obtain the services listed in the plan and supports the family during the term of the contract.

What Services are provided? 

In the FSS program, you’ll receive on-on-one support from a FSS Coordinator who will help you make progress towards your goals and provide the following support resources:

·         Education or Training

·         Job Placement

·         Counseling

·         Budgeting

·         Goal Setting

·         Home Ownership Preparation

Anyone can benefit from FSS!

How Does the Savings/Escrow Account Work?

Once enrolled, HAYC establishes an account for you called the FSS Savings/Escrow Account. When your rent increases from working again or increased wages, we will deposit the additional amount of money you pay in rent into this account.

For example, if you begin the program paying $100 in rent and your rent portion later increases to $300 because you began working again, we will begin depositing $200 into your FSS Savings/Escrow Account every month.

The money in the account, plus interest, is provided to participants once the FSS contract has been successfully completed. Once they receive the money, FSS graduates choose how to use it.

Do I have to give up housing assistance? 

No. FSS participants continue to receive Section 8 housing assistance as long as they are eligible. The FSS program is intended to help participants move toward self-sufficiency.



Stacy is one of the many HAYC’s FSS Graduates. Due to her hard work, dedication, perseverance and with help from the FSS Program, Stacy was able to successfully achieve her dream and much more! This is her story…

 I began working with HAYC in 2001 when we lived in an apartment then I received my housing voucher and as a teen mother, I wasn't working, and I trudged through all of the trauma and mental health barriers in front of me. I enrolled and started attending Chemeketa Community College. I went on to graduate with honors with my 4-year degree with a baby nursing in my lap after transferring to EOU online Adult degree program from Chemeketa with my AAOT. I was on TANF, SNAP, WIC, and SSI as well as section 8 and gearing up to apply for work, my caseworker explained the programs to me and I just remember thinking, "well, I'll do what's right in front of me like I did for my degree, and we'll see if it comes together." I signed up for FSS and the Homeowner program through HAYC, because I was ready to conquer my dreams. My FSS Coordinator was so kind, warm, and amazing, she dealt with my anxieties and encouraged my growth and to apply for jobs. I was terrified but I had a bachelor’s degree, so I had an advantage, and I had the willpower to keep going no matter what was ahead. I have been a social worker for 4.5 years and was promoted to lead at 2 years in. I am now a Lead for the self-sufficiency programs, and I work a dual role well as a family coach supervisor for our Safe Families for Children. In 2017, I applied for Habitat for Humanity Homeownership program where families are selected to partner with Habitat and build their own home. This fell right in line with the FSS and Homeowner programs. We were chosen but had a long wait ahead to even break ground. That time was spent working, cleaning up credit, and working to save with FSS to help us get a great start when we move in. FSS gave me the security of hope ahead and stamina to continue forward with our home being built. Now it is the spring of 2021, and we finally got our keys to our brand-new home, just in time for my Birthday! I bought a REAL home on my own with the help and relationships of HAYC, my village, Habitat and the homeowner program combined with FSS. I also bought a car with the same FSS funds. I paid off over $7,000 in debt over my time in FSS because of the financial counseling and now my credit score is not only "good" but it is EXCELLENT! Because of HAYC and the amazing programs and case workers involved, we did it! I believed in myself along the way and when I wavered in that belief, they believed in me! That's my story in its most condensed form. FSS and the homeowner programs are something that I now share with my clients and encourage them to sign up for. My son grew up in apartments, and my daughter will get to grow up in a neighborhood filled with children and other hard-working families too! We have a home built with the hands and hearts of so many people.


Contact a FSS Coordinator

 Angela Flores (503) 883-4319 Nena Urciel-King (503) 883-4320 Yuya Matsuda (503) 883-4316