home improvement

Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program

The Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program is designed to assist low to moderate-income homeowners in making needed repairs to their owner occupied residence (income limits). This program improves the overall livability by addressing health and safety issues, upgrading materials to convert to a safer and more energy efficient, affordable home to live in.  Priority is placed on the repairs needed to make the home safe and to prevent further deterioration and escalated costs if left unattended.  Typical examples of these projects include new roofs, new windows, new electrical wiring, heating system repair/replacement, septic systems etc.

You, or someone you know, may qualify for a zero (0%) to two percent (2%) home repair loan. The standard loan of $15,000 can be increased up to $25,000 if the need for repairs is justified and adequate equity is established. Funds are limited, so if you have an interest, look at our program brochure (Español) and fill out the wait list application (Español)Frequently asked questions (FAQ) can answer concerns you may have.

This program is funded through the Yamhill County Affordable Housing Corporation (YCAHC), a nonprofit that contracts with the Housing Authority of Yamhill County to provide qualified staff  to administer the program, including Annual Audits that renews and confirms program compliance. The YCAHC also partners with local contractors, individual Municipalities and Yamhill County to receive Community Development Block Grants from the State of Oregon. As loans are repaid to YCAHC, the funds are placed in a revolving loan account designed to make monies available to loan out again.  The program covers all of Yamhill County (McMinnville, Newberg, Amity, Dayton, Lafayette, Dundee, Carlton, Yamhill, and Sheridan, along with parts of Willamina, Grand Ronde, and Gaston).

HAYC maintains a list of licensed and bonded contractors that is provided to homeowners procuring bids upon their request.  HAYC encourages Section 3, and Women Owned businesses to participate in the program.  If you are a contractor that would like to be included on the list, please complete the Contractor Information Form.

Home Rehabilitation Grant Program

This program is only available when grant funds are available and is subject to specific award criteria. 

Grants cannot exceed $15,000.00, or the actual cost of approved repair items.  Allowable repair items will only be for the correction and improvements of immediate health and safety issues, or modifications necessary to address the needs of elderly or disable household members.