Housing Authority of Yamhill County
Current News
2023 Poster Contest News: https://www.nahro.org/news-publications/what-home-means-to-me/
I had the opportunity to attend Camp Rosenbaum this year! Met so many people from other Housing Authorities, military, police department’s and fire department’s. Some kids have never had a camp experience before and I believe this is something they will never forget and truly grateful that I was able to attend! They were able to learn how to play a new instrument, show their talent at the talent show, learn some science, how to make a leather bracelet, several things in art’s and craft’s, build a sand castle contest, creating their own derby car for the race and ride a horse! Some have never touched a horse and at camp they were able to pet, feed and ride one! There was a corn cob contest but I am afraid, the horse won. In between these amazing activities, they were also able to grab some cardboard to go down cardboard hill and do a little fishing and learn about some cool bugs! At the end of the night after a great house made dinner, they even had one night of smores. If this wasn’t enough the Rosenbaum staff fitted each kiddo with a brand new pair of shoes!!!! And then they were mentored, cheered and really cared for during this week at camp. Had some hugs at the end and hoping I impacted them in some small way, as they definitely impacted me.
Oregon Coast camp gives low-income and underprivileged kids a chance at summer fun | kgw.com
Kohr Explores: Camp Rosenbaum returns after 2-year hiatus (koin.com)
July 26, 2022
RE: Air Conditioning Window Units at Haworth Terrace
For certain units where AC window units pose a health and safety risk, we have requested that residents replace their units with an AC floor unit that does not pose a health and safety risk.
We have been attempting to work with our tenants to find solutions to their cooling needs while at the same time complying with the federal Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) building standards, which we are legally required to comply with. Our governing agency recently notified us that we were out of compliance with the HUD standards for units that had AC window units blocking the only secondary means of egress from rooms. For households in which their window unit prevents egress, this violation was deemed an "Exigent Health and Safety deficiency" under HUD's standards requiring immediate correction. As a result, HAYC immediately notified tenants that they would need to remove their window units but could still use an air conditioning floor unit. These rules are also consistent with Oregon's permissible rules under SB 1536. For any residents who have not complied with HUD's rules, we have continued to work with them and granted extensions for their time to comply given the heat events we are forecastle to experience.
The safety of our residents is our highest priority and we are simply trying to comply with the laws while ensuring that all health and safety risks are eliminated. We continue to work with our residents and will not be taking any action to enforce the HUD safety standards during this week's heat event or any other extreme heat event, which is defined as a day on which National Weather Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has predicted or indicated that there exists a heat index of extreme caution for the county.
In addition, we are in contact with other organizations in an attempt to determine whether we can obtain floor AC units at little to no cost, whether through the Oregon Health Authority, Energy Trust of Oregon, or any other potential source of funding.
Vickie Ybarguen
Executive Director
Development News
The need for affordable rental housing in the City of McMinnville and the broader Yamhill County Community is great and growing. In response to the affordable housing crisis, HAYC sought a site for affordable housing. In the summer of 2020, HAYC closed on the acquisition of the 6.98 acres of undeveloped land located on a bus line and near services. HAYC paid cash for the land to secure this opportunity to construct affordable housing.
Development To Include
60 One Bedroom units
85 Two Bedroom units
30 Three Bedroom units
Community Training Opportunities
Regional fair housing has scheduled some trainings available to you. The topics of these trainings will educate folks to break down some of the barriers identified. Please share the fliers in the links below with your networks, we really appreciate your help spreading the word.
Training links (also in fliers attached here)
June 2nd 9:00am- 11:00am, Fair Housing for Advocates - Marion, Polk, and Yamhill Counties Register in advance for this meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocO6tpjkqHNI7fZn56xcdzHSGX9kazFZO
June 15th 5:30pm-7:30pm, Fair Housing for Housing Providers - Polk, Marion and Yamhill Counties - Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkcOCvpz4rEtBrXaAc2B-trCLKtLtRncYP
June 16th 5:30pm-7:30pm, Fair Housing for Renters - Polk, Marion, and Yamhill Counties - Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIofuiuqDstG9w-_uKvo1c6RF-yKtqi2eXL
HAYC Poster Contest News
We are fortunate to have the resources available to host a series of poster contest workshops…where a roomful of kids can be transformed into a group of young artists. We ask them to engage their spirit of discovery…to express themselves…to experience the joy of creating a work of art…to reflect appreciation of their home.
Let’s take a moment to thank our local resources for their generosity:
Give A Little Foundation www.givealittlefoundation.org
The Merri Artist https://merriartist.com
Yamhill County Cultural Coalition www.yamhillcountyculture.org
Also would like to give a big “Thank you” to Teresa Velasquez at Deskins Commons for consistently going the extra mile with her poster workshops!
Here are our regional finalist posters followed by a news release announcing our most recent winner in the “What Home Means to Me” contest.